Monday, June 29, 2009

YUMMY~ salmon sashimi. my favourite.>3<
I'd indulged myself with ice cream yesterday.I wanted to eat yami yogurt at bugis but it was closed. =( It has been a long time since the last I ate ice cream. Shall go for more laps of jogging tmr.^^
First day of school. I was tired. I slept at 1+ ytd and woke up at 5am this morning.Also, I realised that dark circles are getting worse due to lack of sleep- im a panda now.T~T Oh & recently,Im watching a Taiwan drama-败犬女王.It was so NICE!! XD No wonder my girlfriends were so crazy over the show.haha.The guy was soo handsome!! hehe. ^^ I have not finished watching the show yet as I have to go back to my studies.I must stay extremely focus on my studies. Shall continue the show after exams. @@
Saturday, June 27, 2009
My mind was blank again.Totally blank.怕怕~
Two weeks of holiday had ended and school is reopening on monday.
I felt that I did nothing in the two wks.
I've yet started doing the tys.
I've yet finished my revision.
There r so much things to do which r not done.Gosh.What have I been doing?
I think im getting slack.I have to buck up!
Time files.A few mths left to O levels.
I felt empty.
I feel like crying.
我不確定 幾個我 住在心裡面
偶爾像敵人 偶爾像姊妹
灰色的音樂 塞滿黑夜 High的像麻醉
好讓翻攪的胃 安靜一點 忘了全世界
分裂前的熱淚 分裂後的冷眼
越愛誰 越防備 像隻脆弱的刺蝟
分裂中的心碎 分裂後的假面
不快樂 不傷悲情緒埋藏成了地雷等待爆裂
開始的熱烈 不停奉獻 後來剩決裂
謊言吞噬了心 帶來刺痛 撕裂的蛻變
分裂前的熱淚 分裂後的冷眼越愛誰
越防備 像隻脆弱的刺蝟
分裂前的熱淚 分裂後的冷眼
越愛誰 越防備 像隻脆弱的刺蝟
分裂中的心碎 分裂後的假面
不快樂 不傷悲情緒埋藏成了地雷等待爆裂
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I can't sleep last night again.It's worse than the few nights before. I was awoke till this morning which means I didn't sleep for the entire day! Can u imagine?? Gosh. I have never had this before! I went jogging for an hour ytd evening & even drank at night.I thought I would feel sleepy but I did not.Apparently,it doesn't work. I got more energetic at night that I managed to finish my ss hw when it was 1am.
In the midst of the night, I felt tight & I could hardly breathe.I felt like crying but I can't-I don't cry easily. Then today,I thought of going for a movie that might help me to ease my tension but B wasn't free.Tmr is PAPA'S DAY and so she have to stay at home.Therefore, I stayed at home too.I didn't take an afternoon nap either.How strange. I was doing my homework instead. What happened to me? I WANNA SLEEP!
I have cancelled my tuition for today as I don't feel well seriously. I asked my mom's permission for cancelling the tuition as I couldn't take it; my brain wasn't working.But my mom wanted me to go still as the tuition will only last for two hours & an hour of english consultation from a friend of my aunt.It was 3HOURS in total. How would I take it? She was enraged when I told her that I want to cancel it.I dont understand.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I was deeply hurt upon hearing what you had said.I knew what you meant.I've never felt so hurt and tears started to well up my u know how much efforts I'd put in the exams?though I didnt score well .I know my english isnt good but enrolling to JC is my target.what's wrong with it?Perhaps I might have put too much stress on my studies but I just want to achieve the grades that I want.Maybe you're right,my study methods might be wrong that's why my mids were badly done.anw I'll prove you wrong. Can u pls let me do what I want & not what u think I ought to do?I know what I me pls but i know you dont.