yummy yummy~
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
mood less
为什么面包与饭之间 一定得吃饭?
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Exhausted- Forth day of work.
Ohmy. Im exhausted. Work is killing me. Besides shelving of books and putting the book covers, I have to recognise the categories of books for every departments and where the books are located. Well,The bookstore is really huge & there are soo many books around!! How m I going to memorise all of them? Im wondering.
Yesterday, there was a customer who asked me where were the books about psychology located.As Im not sure where it is,I approached one of my manager and she gave me a look.=.= Alright, I knew this is my forth day of work and I ought to know where it is by now but still I tend to forget somehow. Probably I had taken medicine before the day which made me felt a bit drowsy. Anyway, I will definitely try my best to memorise every corner of the bookshelves and prove to my manager that I can do it.
这份工作 没有让我前进的动力
这么累 这么忙 是为了什么?
只能说 读书还是最好的
又想念 学校的日子
OS 不能放弃啊,诗慧! 再辛苦、再累 都要熬过去!!
Yesterday, there was a customer who asked me where were the books about psychology located.As Im not sure where it is,I approached one of my manager and she gave me a look.=.= Alright, I knew this is my forth day of work and I ought to know where it is by now but still I tend to forget somehow. Probably I had taken medicine before the day which made me felt a bit drowsy. Anyway, I will definitely try my best to memorise every corner of the bookshelves and prove to my manager that I can do it.
这份工作 没有让我前进的动力
这么累 这么忙 是为了什么?
在坚持些什么 有時连自己也不是太懂。
只能说 读书还是最好的
又想念 学校的日子
OS 不能放弃啊,诗慧! 再辛苦、再累 都要熬过去!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
First Day of Work
Woo.. Just come back from work. It's so tiring. I had to put e cover over books in the morning then storing of books after lunch time in the afternoon.Also there are many things to memorize like where are the departments and the books are located. Well, I have to read through my notes again as Im still not familiar with the places yet.
Alright,that's all for today. Im in the morning shift tmr. Goodbye. ^_^
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Orientation
Woots. Today is e orientation of my work. Well, I was given e big picture of what we will be doing and how to provide good customer services.The rules and regulations are so much like my school rules. Now then I know the purposes of my school rules and also the importance of CCAs. I will definitely learn a lot from this job though my contract ends in 31 December.
Oh yes,I have met new friends today too! No, they are my colleagues I should say.They are so much different from my classmates, be it in their attitude or the ways they talk.hmm. All these are really so new & a challenge to me. IM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO MY JOB ON MONDAY! ^_^
地铁和巴士里都像沙丁鱼一样挤满了人 然后抵达目的地
大家都好像有前进的动力 充实的人生 往自己的理想或梦想迈进
PS 原来无论是做什么事 最重要是调整心态
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My First Job
IM HIRED!! \{^[]^}/
Im going to work at Ngee Ann City on Monday.
Im so excited.Hope everything goes well.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
First Interview.
I went to an interview this morning- Temporary Retail Assistant.
This is my first interview and I was very nervous.Thank god that everything goes well ;hope that they would hire me.^_^
Just back from prom.It was not as fun as last year but still I have taken many photos! :D Shall upload the next time. Good night!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Being an impatient person, you might be wondering if I can draw? Initially,I doubt myself too as I have totally no interest in drawings and I always admire those who can draw really well. Anyway, I have went to search for cartoons and I tried to draw this few days.

TADAA~ \{^[]^}/第一次画画.
P.S.老师老师 我画画耶~^_^哈。不知为何 想和你分享⋯但 你会看到吗?
So how is it? Not bad right? except for the forth one.I've got e talent in drawing,dont I? ahha. ='p Therefore, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. hahaha.
我培养了 耐心。
Thursday, November 12, 2009
No smile.

Woots. I wear contact lenses!! =D NO MORE BLURRY VISION!! XP
I have spent half an hour to learn how to put in & remove the lenses.Then I realised I have got e patience. ahha. BUT I CANT KEEP LONG NAILS FOR THE TIME BEING.
Ohyes! Im going to an interview on Monday!Pray hard that they would hire me.
山不转路转 路不转人转 人不转心转
是我有自己的意见 还是 真的叛逆?
你对我 没有信心
你对我 不信任
我是学会了调整心态 还是 在逃避?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
'O' LEVELS IS OVER !!WOOHOO!!! \{^[]^}/
It has finally ended.I had done my best for every papers so hope that I would get the results I wish for. X)
Looking back, there were so many things that had happened during these critical periods which apparently affected my mood & my studies. I had once thought of giving up as the feeling was just not right. I felt rather empty & insecure.I couldnt concentrate in my studies either but thank goodness that I had approached you.(:
JW & K
thank you for ur encouragement!=D
A very big thank you to you! Your words & concerns are really appreciated.^_^ Without you, I might not be able to overcome these obstacles.Thank you for being there during my toughest time and the help in my study timetable. I will do u proud & not let u down..(:
压力的时候 难过的时候 甚至现在没有方向的时候 谢谢你!
Alright,what m i going to do over this long holiday?? I need to plan.
PS 你的话真的让我有渐进的动力捏~真神奇..哈
还好没有放弃 还好有你
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
It's time to give myself a break! I had been preparing for e exams so here was a lil indulgence- caffe latte. I went to 'spinello' a few days back. `dunno how to spell.. Anw it was soo nice yet fattening-let's put tat aside for the time being.. hehe. >_<
I had bought a strawberry cheese tart for my sister too. Actually I was the one who wanted to eat as it was really tempting BUT im afraid of gaining weight so yeah. sound so mean uh~shh.. ahha! I had a small bite after all but it was not as good as the one from japan- The Glace. Aww..feel like eating now..I shall go there again but heard from my sister that it has moved to 'tanjong bajar' or sth. no longer in the shop near Chinatown; it's further than Chinatown. @_@
ahha. this little candy boy~ just happened to see this photo in my phone. It was taken on the last day of school. HE is a sec one boy who will always stay back in school till the school library closed. As I was also staying in school to do my revision till late evening, I know him somehow. He is a really cute & funny boy who loves to eat chocolates and candies.He will always get it from me as I will always have them while I'm studying.^_^
Although we have known each other for a mth or so, we get along really well.It's rather weird & amazing..don't u think so?
Alright, it's 1.32am now. shall go to bed now.Good night!
這段期間 不健康的心態
不愉快的事也很多很多 而情绪也跟著陪影响了。
心想怎么这么多问题啊? 我也只是个17岁的女生⋯
是该忘记 还是 从中学习?
关系依然淡薄 之间有距离 但问题是什么?
代沟 。
可不可以好好听我说 好好跟我讲 而不是大声 怎样得态度 还有争吵
发现'children imitate parents'是真的。我不想要一样~
我 坚持自己的决定 坚持所觉得是对的事
试著不要太在乎他人说的话 不要管他们 一直抱怨也不能解决问题
会不舒服 但诉苦的对象 还能谁你吗? 我好想躱起来..
没错 工作也是一个问题。
惊讶的是 为了一张名片 之前的关系更糟了
知道你是担心 担心是不是诈骗集团 担心被骗
:为什么他会给你?! 为什么这么好?!你给我撕掉!
整个人 真的傻眼 @_@
解释了却不信 没有办法再说下去 0_0
我在乎的 不是能不能在那家公司工作 而是你的最后一句话 ⋯真是什么跟什么~ T~T
我听到的只是 “不准 、不要、不喜欢⋯⋯” 就这样。
然後一直再逃避问题 以巧克力和nuts掩饰所有一切
但都不重要了 现在最重要是找回自己。
我学会了调整心态 虽然有点难
我学会了无论如何 还是要以学业为先 其他的事等考完再说
我学会了无论什么事 都不要让任何事影响自己的情绪也不要放弃
我学会了信任 是很重要
谢谢关心我的 給我加油的人! ^_^
Thursday, November 5, 2009
现在 就有那种突然要离开学校不知以后会是如何的感觉了..很没有安全感..
毕业之后的生活 会是怎样的呢?
害怕做不够好 所以对自己的要求高
就会很努力很努力往自己的targets前进 但 真的好累好累
达不到怎么办? 我也不知道。
只能说天不时地不理人不和。 一分耕耘也不一定有一分收获 相信很多事已是注定的
老师跟我说过 ‘不要对自己的要求太高 这样会很辛苦’
所以呢 是有降低在学业成绩方面的要求但..
觉得尽力而为 也只是尽力而已 所以我好像会超越自己的期限..
因为被鼓励过而懂得鼓励别人 鼓励自己” -徐佳莹LaLa
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