虽然有种种不愉快的事 但 还是有很多开心的事
很庆幸的 我熬过来了;走出了黑暗 往阳光前进
万言的感激 那些对我不离不弃的人
我会试着改变 不会太固执 不会太任性。
Friday, December 31, 2010
Woots. Today is the last day of 2010!! What's ur plan of the day? Im spending this big day at home with my family for the first time!! I am just too tired and lazy to go out!! Although I have been through happiness and sadness in year 2010, I am really grateful to all the awesome people around me!! I'm really contented to what I have now. Hope year twenty eleven will be a great year to everyone!! >3
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Taiwan Trip!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
今天让我看到的 人心险恶
带着的 都是恶魔的面具。
天真的我 一直以为朋友都要真心对待 但其实很多时候 是要随机应变。
真的 日久见人心。
颠倒是非、谎言、心计 谁说的才是真话?那又为什么要这么做?有什么资格改变一个人的性格?
是不是 说不动听的话才是真正的朋友?
是不是 对朋友的期许 对方就要对号入座?
你不会知道对方是不是好人,是不是发自内心 还是有心计的人?
很多事其实很简单 但人就是会把它看得很复杂。
让自己难受,不开心 带着‘防’的心态对待身边的人。何苦呢?
带着的 都是恶魔的面具。
天真的我 一直以为朋友都要真心对待 但其实很多时候 是要随机应变。
真的 日久见人心。
颠倒是非、谎言、心计 谁说的才是真话?那又为什么要这么做?有什么资格改变一个人的性格?
是不是 说不动听的话才是真正的朋友?
是不是 对朋友的期许 对方就要对号入座?
你不会知道对方是不是好人,是不是发自内心 还是有心计的人?
很多事其实很简单 但人就是会把它看得很复杂。
让自己难受,不开心 带着‘防’的心态对待身边的人。何苦呢?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
所有的事 其实上天已经安排好了。
一个坚强的女孩 成了众人最怕的女人
其实 只是看自己要不要而已。
山不转路转 路不转人转 人不转水相逢。
被亲人背叛、与一些人不合 最后的收场就是死。
再坚强的女孩 也有最脆弱的一面
最后到人生的终点时 彼此约好了在天堂见面
当一个人到了尽头,最惨的不是离别 而是脑海里一片空白,没有任何回忆。
真的是很棒很棒的港剧 我很喜欢。
"忍"=刀扎在心里是很痛 但是无论有多痛 还是要忍。
所有的事 其实上天已经安排好了。
一个坚强的女孩 成了众人最怕的女人
其实 只是看自己要不要而已。
山不转路转 路不转人转 人不转水相逢。
被亲人背叛、与一些人不合 最后的收场就是死。
再坚强的女孩 也有最脆弱的一面
最后到人生的终点时 彼此约好了在天堂见面
当一个人到了尽头,最惨的不是离别 而是脑海里一片空白,没有任何回忆。
真的是很棒很棒的港剧 我很喜欢。
"忍"=刀扎在心里是很痛 但是无论有多痛 还是要忍。
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
有些事 发生了就是发生了
伤害了 就是伤害了
即时伤口愈合 也会留下伤痕
带着面具 是为了保护自己 还是在逃避?
有时大笑 是真的开心还是在掩饰自己的不开心?
一些动作 、一些话 超越了一个人的限制。
伤害了 就是伤害了
即时伤口愈合 也会留下伤痕
带着面具 是为了保护自己 还是在逃避?
有时大笑 是真的开心还是在掩饰自己的不开心?
一些动作 、一些话 超越了一个人的限制。
Friday, November 12, 2010
在末一个地方 在面对不同的人 都会以不同的心态来对待他人
有些人表面上和你有说有笑 但却在背后捅你一刀
虚伪与做作 只是一念之间
或许为了引起他人的注意 把自己关起来
或许太被呵护 经不起他人无意的笑话
或许是在乎 所以更介意他人的眼光
引起众人的注意 有必要吗?
面子 有这么的重要吗?
人是为了自己 而不是为了别人而活
面子是自己个给的 脸是自己丢的
至今我才懂 我们所说的话 对朋友的影响是这么的大
得到他人的关心 是件很温馨的事
即使是一个小小的问候 就会很感动
山不转路转 路不转人转 人不转心转
因为这样 让我差一点不认识自己
因为这样 让我很不舒服
因为这样 让我知道 原来不是每个人都会付出了真心地对待他人
表面上的虚假 带着专署的面具
'家就是避风港' 里头的含义我这才明白
在末一个地方 在面对不同的人 都会以不同的心态来对待他人
有些人表面上和你有说有笑 但却在背后捅你一刀
虚伪与做作 只是一念之间
或许为了引起他人的注意 把自己关起来
或许太被呵护 经不起他人无意的笑话
或许是在乎 所以更介意他人的眼光
引起众人的注意 有必要吗?
面子 有这么的重要吗?
人是为了自己 而不是为了别人而活
面子是自己个给的 脸是自己丢的
至今我才懂 我们所说的话 对朋友的影响是这么的大
得到他人的关心 是件很温馨的事
即使是一个小小的问候 就会很感动
山不转路转 路不转人转 人不转心转
因为这样 让我差一点不认识自己
因为这样 让我很不舒服
因为这样 让我知道 原来不是每个人都会付出了真心地对待他人
表面上的虚假 带着专署的面具
'家就是避风港' 里头的含义我这才明白
Something that never get through my mind
2 years ago, I was dying to slim down and I begun to go on diet. This was my diet plan-NO PORK, NO RICE, NO FRIED FOOD, NO SUGARY DRINKS AND NO CANDIES. Many people around me were strongly against it as they thought I was torturing myself,but I insisted. I got scolded or nagged for almost everyday.With so many arrows pointing at me, I still stuck to my plans and not listened to anyone. I see no reasons why I can't go on a diet? As in what's wrong with dieting? I was just wanting to slim down and looked as fabulous as the models. Perhaps I got the wrong concept that skinny means perfect but no one seemed to explain to me.Is this being rebellious or wilful ? I dont know. That's how they think of me.After so long, I got used to it anyway. I must say that standing alone is tough and tiring,but it had thought me to be more brave and independent girl.I have been telling myself to be strong and stick to my plans if I am doing the right thing. At that time,there was only one person who agreed with me and I was very grateful to her for being so supportive.Her words and concerns were so much appreciated that until now I still remember what she had said.
Just recently, I started exercising and doing workouts every thrice a week so I told myself to stop my diet. Eating every food with moderation,exercising regularly and eat half bowl of rice each day are my plans to keep myself in shape now though I will still say no to fast food. Many friends around me are shocked when they knew I have not been eating Mcdonalds, KFC and ice cream etc for more than 2 years. Haha. How exaggerating!
Back to my topic, what I don't understand was that when my sister said that she wanted to slim down,mom told her to kick the habit of eating rice! I was astonished as she scolded me for not eating rice when I was on a diet but now she's asking my sister to stop eating rice! After that, I found out that those people who had scolded me for going on a diet are having diet now! They have stopped eating rice,fried food and going on a similar diet plan that I had before. How funny! I really don't understand. They aren't playing their parts as a role model at all then why should I listen to them?
Just recently, I started exercising and doing workouts every thrice a week so I told myself to stop my diet. Eating every food with moderation,exercising regularly and eat half bowl of rice each day are my plans to keep myself in shape now though I will still say no to fast food. Many friends around me are shocked when they knew I have not been eating Mcdonalds, KFC and ice cream etc for more than 2 years. Haha. How exaggerating!
Back to my topic, what I don't understand was that when my sister said that she wanted to slim down,mom told her to kick the habit of eating rice! I was astonished as she scolded me for not eating rice when I was on a diet but now she's asking my sister to stop eating rice! After that, I found out that those people who had scolded me for going on a diet are having diet now! They have stopped eating rice,fried food and going on a similar diet plan that I had before. How funny! I really don't understand. They aren't playing their parts as a role model at all then why should I listen to them?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The lucky one.
It's been a while since I last blog. I have been busy studying for O levels and poly work. Thank god that these stressful days are coming to the end and I managed to overcome it amusingly. With the effects of exercising and eating dark chocos everyday really helps to release stress but indulging in a Mocha and a sandwich at a cafe is still the best! Hahah. Two more papers to go and I will be free! As in I have got more free time to watch hk series on weekends! Yuppie!
Last week I started the language course(French and Japanese) and apparently it didnt work well for me. Although these languages are interesting , I cant cope with them.It's really stressful to learn ABCs in both Japanese and french in a day.Therefore, not to make my life miserable, I have decided to change the course to a marketing course as I still feel comfortable with figures instead of a brand new language. Thank you Mr.Y for helping me with regard to changing of this course. I must say that I am a lucky girl! I am soo grateful to these wonderful people around me! LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I'm getting to miss a couple of people already.
Last week I started the language course(French and Japanese) and apparently it didnt work well for me. Although these languages are interesting , I cant cope with them.It's really stressful to learn ABCs in both Japanese and french in a day.Therefore, not to make my life miserable, I have decided to change the course to a marketing course as I still feel comfortable with figures instead of a brand new language. Thank you Mr.Y for helping me with regard to changing of this course. I must say that I am a lucky girl! I am soo grateful to these wonderful people around me! LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I'm getting to miss a couple of people already.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
在遇到小小的挫折时 你让她安心
在想与人聊时 你踏出了那一步
在心情最低弱时 你给她希望
知道的那一刻 只有惊讶
什么时候是真正的自己 有时就连自己都搞不清楚
有人说 自爱很重要
在遇到小小的挫折时 你让她安心
在想与人聊时 你踏出了那一步
在心情最低弱时 你给她希望
知道的那一刻 只有惊讶
什么时候是真正的自己 有时就连自己都搞不清楚
有人说 自爱很重要
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Life goes on..
所有一切 好像一场梦
从梦中醒后 所有的事都归回原来的样子
地球依然转动 时间还是不停的转
只是 生活中少了一个人
争夺财产 六亲不认
PS.我会好好的 不辜负大家的厚爱.
从梦中醒后 所有的事都归回原来的样子
地球依然转动 时间还是不停的转
只是 生活中少了一个人
争夺财产 六亲不认
PS.我会好好的 不辜负大家的厚爱.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
年长者想要在家里离开 不是悲观 因为没有这种事 因为这就是人生…
这件事 告诉了我
这件事 我看到了
她的体谅 她的关心 是不要求任何回报的
付出了这么多 却时常被爸爸骂
不管自己累不累都不在乎 还是把重心放在爸爸身上
PS. you will be missed, my beloved ah gong.
年长者想要在家里离开 不是悲观 因为没有这种事 因为这就是人生…
这件事 告诉了我
这件事 我看到了
她的体谅 她的关心 是不要求任何回报的
付出了这么多 却时常被爸爸骂
不管自己累不累都不在乎 还是把重心放在爸爸身上
PS. you will be missed, my beloved ah gong.
Life is fragile.
“ 人生无常、珍惜眼见人”
耳熟能详的句子 常常在港剧的出现的字眼
看了这么多戏 听了无数次
知道人生无常要珍惜眼见人 但背后真正的意思是什么?
不听话 不吃饭 不谅解
然而 今天,我体会到了。
人 始终会跑到终点
人 真的不知道下一秒会发生什么事
人生真的有几个十年? 没有人知道。
很多事都是出乎意料的 也很突然的
耳熟能详的句子 常常在港剧的出现的字眼
看了这么多戏 听了无数次
知道人生无常要珍惜眼见人 但背后真正的意思是什么?
不听话 不吃饭 不谅解
然而 今天,我体会到了。
人 始终会跑到终点
人 真的不知道下一秒会发生什么事
人生真的有几个十年? 没有人知道。
很多事都是出乎意料的 也很突然的
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Woots! Im happy today! Met my friends at Bishan early in the morning and headed to East Coast Park for cycling! I always wanted to learn how to ride a bike but didnt get a chance to do so.Thanks to this group of friends who asked me to tag along today! I thought I can learn how to cycle like finally but the mission failed eventually- I couldn't balance myself.It's certainly not easy and I must say that the boys have no patient at all! They gave up on teaching me about half an hour later and changed the bike to two-seats bicycle instead.But still, Im grateful to them for being so thoughtful.((:
\I felt so good after cycling! I must really learn how to ride a bike soon!! It's so fun and riding along the beach side is just perfect!!
After that I went home for a bathe and met my family at town! We headed to Takashimaya basement and saw a fair was going on! I think it's a chocolates fair!! Woohoo~ I was being attracted by a stall which sells french chocolates and the promoter introduced me to their famous DARK CHOCOLATE TART which costs $8.20 per slice.I hesitated initially as it's real expensive but it's DARK CHOCO! How could I resist the temptation of dark chocolates?! Hehe. So I bought it and I never regret it though as IT'S HEAVENLY DELICIOUS! Not exaggerating. >3
PS. Today's a sinful day. Im so going to drag myself up tmr morning and go jogging!

`This is the chocolate tart!! yum yum~
\I felt so good after cycling! I must really learn how to ride a bike soon!! It's so fun and riding along the beach side is just perfect!!
After that I went home for a bathe and met my family at town! We headed to Takashimaya basement and saw a fair was going on! I think it's a chocolates fair!! Woohoo~ I was being attracted by a stall which sells french chocolates and the promoter introduced me to their famous DARK CHOCOLATE TART which costs $8.20 per slice.I hesitated initially as it's real expensive but it's DARK CHOCO! How could I resist the temptation of dark chocolates?! Hehe. So I bought it and I never regret it though as IT'S HEAVENLY DELICIOUS! Not exaggerating. >3
PS. Today's a sinful day. Im so going to drag myself up tmr morning and go jogging!

`This is the chocolate tart!! yum yum~
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
很多时候 没办法自己做决定
很多时候 搞不懂很多事情
所谓的解铃还须系领人 还真是难
不知道 不确定 不了解
很多时候 搞不懂很多事情
所谓的解铃还须系领人 还真是难
不知道 不确定 不了解
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I'm contented
I feel secure and happy with them around!! >3
It has been awhile since we met as a clique but still short of two ladies. It's mid-autumn festival today and we gathered at Brandon's place for our favorite steamboat!! Woots. Gathering at a round table with a hotpot on a windy day while catching up with one another was AWESOME!! We had so much fun and laughter! oh and I finished A BOWL OF RICE surprisingly.Ever since I started dieting, I had either had half a bowl of rice or sometimes not eating any. I always had a thinking that rice makes me fat but now as I begin to do workouts and jog every alternative days, I have stopped dieting.Well, I know I should have stopped long ago as people around me have been worried for me.): Hope I'm not late though.
Anyway,I received compliments from both beryl's and brandon's mama that Im skinny!! Haha! Although many people have been telling me that I am skinny enough and stopped me from dieting, I just believe in myself. Now my target is to keep myself in shape! Oh and I realized I didn't had a bite of mooncake on this day!!
PS.No more complaints but showing gratitude to everyone.(:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
才意识到生存的意义 才知道自己的目标
在这之前 独自一人去摸索 尝试各种行业
知道方向不对时 再调整回来
没有人给与他意见 没有人告诉他的优缺点
最终靠的是自己的战斗力 找到了自己
一直在鼓励的我和姐 追求自己理想的他
背后的故事 现在我才知道。
迷路时 有人告诉我方向
难过时 有人聆听我的心声
想放弃时 有人鼓励着我 要我坚持
迷失自己时 有人告诉我真正的自己
苦苦的 甜甜的滋味...
才意识到生存的意义 才知道自己的目标
在这之前 独自一人去摸索 尝试各种行业
知道方向不对时 再调整回来
没有人给与他意见 没有人告诉他的优缺点
最终靠的是自己的战斗力 找到了自己
一直在鼓励的我和姐 追求自己理想的他
背后的故事 现在我才知道。
迷路时 有人告诉我方向
难过时 有人聆听我的心声
想放弃时 有人鼓励着我 要我坚持
迷失自己时 有人告诉我真正的自己
苦苦的 甜甜的滋味...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Happy Birthday B!
Woots! Met up the girls again!! It was B's 18th birthday yesterday and we had a short celebration with her. We headed to Vivo City for xiao long bao and bought her a strawberry tart from fruit paradise.I totally forgotten that she doesn't like strawberries! Eventually, ZY was the one who finished the tart! Haha. She just love desserts a lot a lot. After that, we settled down at a open space. Ber told us that she hopes our friendship will last long and the only way to maintain our friendship is to meet up often. I couldn't agree more though and I was a lil touched when she said that.=)
Afterall, I had a great time with them! Love them so much! >3
PS. I have to say that I am glad to have known them and I will definitely treasure this friendship.
`B gave me this bar of chocos that her dad bought for her! She just hates dark chocos but i LOVE it! ^_^
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sleepless nights
Does anyone knows how to cure short term insomnia?
I CAN'T SLEEP LATELY! As always,I'll suffer from insomnia on exam periods and this is annoying.When I closed my eyes, my mind never stop functioning.Many many things go through my mind;I just couldn't get into my dreams. I did do some researches with regard to curing of sleeping disorder and tried several methods(drinking warm milk before going to bed, listening to smooth music, doing exercises in the morning and breathe slowly) but to no avail. If only the worst comes to the worst, I will consume some sleeping pills as given by a doctor.I know I cannot rely on sleeping pills but what to do?
Last night, I didn't get a wink of sleep. Only till this morning around 7am when my sister prepared herself to school, I fell into my dreams like finally but a short one. I woke up at 10am as I had a paper at 2.30pm. Gosh.I had only 3 hours of sleep or even less than that!! Apparently, I didn't do well for the paper even though I was well prepared.Most of my answers were different from my class. Ah~
Sigh.It's over though. I had done my very best for this paper.Hope my results will turn out to be good. * Keeping my fingers crossed.
Alright, shall prepare for last paper tmr!!
I CAN'T SLEEP LATELY! As always,I'll suffer from insomnia on exam periods and this is annoying.When I closed my eyes, my mind never stop functioning.Many many things go through my mind;I just couldn't get into my dreams. I did do some researches with regard to curing of sleeping disorder and tried several methods(drinking warm milk before going to bed, listening to smooth music, doing exercises in the morning and breathe slowly) but to no avail. If only the worst comes to the worst, I will consume some sleeping pills as given by a doctor.I know I cannot rely on sleeping pills but what to do?
Last night, I didn't get a wink of sleep. Only till this morning around 7am when my sister prepared herself to school, I fell into my dreams like finally but a short one. I woke up at 10am as I had a paper at 2.30pm. Gosh.I had only 3 hours of sleep or even less than that!! Apparently, I didn't do well for the paper even though I was well prepared.Most of my answers were different from my class. Ah~
Sigh.It's over though. I had done my very best for this paper.Hope my results will turn out to be good. * Keeping my fingers crossed.
Alright, shall prepare for last paper tmr!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Desserts at 10pm!
Met up my girlfriends last Thursday and headed to Aston for dinner at Cathay! Then we walked all the way to Somerset as we thought of settling down at a cafe. Eventually, we went to Scape escape for this Champagne grape Ice with red beans and lychee mochi! It's real good! I couldn't remember then name of this desserts shop though but it's a nice place to chill. Before we walked off, I found out that these ice snowflakes are LOW in FATS! HAHAHA! Thank god.

The next day, I headed to JW's place for BBQ! It has been awhile since we last met though. I missed them so much!
Undoubtedly, I had eaten more than I need! The food that his mom prepared for us were good and JW baked OREO cheesecakes and a few cups of Tiramisu for everyone! They were AWESOME! Not exaggerating, This was my FIRST time eating OREO CHEESECAKE!! JW must be very honoured!! haha! I had a slice of it and two bites of Tiramisu! Oh my goodness.It was just heavenly delicious!! Looking forward to our next gathering! >3
PS.I am going to jog for an hour for next two days!@@
Two more weeks to exams and yet I am still unprepared. I have told myself not to be affected by those unpleasant things that had happened recently and work hard for the upcoming exams.I will get back to books real soon.
`updated on 23 August 2010.

The next day, I headed to JW's place for BBQ! It has been awhile since we last met though. I missed them so much!
Undoubtedly, I had eaten more than I need! The food that his mom prepared for us were good and JW baked OREO cheesecakes and a few cups of Tiramisu for everyone! They were AWESOME! Not exaggerating, This was my FIRST time eating OREO CHEESECAKE!! JW must be very honoured!! haha! I had a slice of it and two bites of Tiramisu! Oh my goodness.It was just heavenly delicious!! Looking forward to our next gathering! >3
PS.I am going to jog for an hour for next two days!@@
Two more weeks to exams and yet I am still unprepared. I have told myself not to be affected by those unpleasant things that had happened recently and work hard for the upcoming exams.I will get back to books real soon.
`updated on 23 August 2010.

Monday, August 16, 2010
重复的话题 累不累?
一个专题 就像地球一样
不停的转 最终还是会回到原点…
虽然是过去事 但还是被挖出来讲…
对你来说 尊重是什么?
一个言听计从的小孩 没有主见的 什么都无所谓的 就是尊重吗?
很多时候 其实只是想表达自己的意见而已。
有人说 尊重其实不是一个问题
最重要是清楚知道自己要的是什么 然后勇敢地实现它。
或许是角度的不同 这有点各人自扫门前雪的心态…
但 实事是这样吗?
无法谅解的是 争吵能解决所谓的问题吗?
我想 信任是很重要。
看着憔悴的你 不尽感到心酸而自己又不能做什么⋯ 我们回到童年的时光好不好?
Perhaps I shouldn't care too much; so long I receive allowance daily..
不停的转 最终还是会回到原点…
虽然是过去事 但还是被挖出来讲…
对你来说 尊重是什么?
一个言听计从的小孩 没有主见的 什么都无所谓的 就是尊重吗?
很多时候 其实只是想表达自己的意见而已。
有人说 尊重其实不是一个问题
最重要是清楚知道自己要的是什么 然后勇敢地实现它。
或许是角度的不同 这有点各人自扫门前雪的心态…
但 实事是这样吗?
无法谅解的是 争吵能解决所谓的问题吗?
我想 信任是很重要。
看着憔悴的你 不尽感到心酸而自己又不能做什么⋯ 我们回到童年的时光好不好?
Perhaps I shouldn't care too much; so long I receive allowance daily..
Sunday, August 15, 2010
所做的决定都有一定的理由,没有得到他人的认同 是对还是错?
当决定了一件事时,知道对方一定不同意 还是坚持
找到对的时间聊时 最终还是以争吵为收场…
因为担心 因为在乎 因为不信任 因为害怕失去这个家
无论做多少的解释 辩护自己 都没有用…
所做的决定都有一定的理由,没有得到他人的认同 是对还是错?
当决定了一件事时,知道对方一定不同意 还是坚持
找到对的时间聊时 最终还是以争吵为收场…
因为担心 因为在乎 因为不信任 因为害怕失去这个家
无论做多少的解释 辩护自己 都没有用…
`因为不是第一次大吵 因为不懂得体谅 所以选者了谎言 离开了一下下…
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
A day out with the girls!

Woohoo. So happy to see the girls again! It has been awhile since we last met! Really miss them so much!
The same old B who never fail to make us laugh with her aunty actions and dramatic expressions! ZY is still as mature as before but she tends to b more concern on her appearance now! She has learnt to put on make-ups and wear high-heels! Let's guess what's next? wearing a dress? And lastly,R is still eating more than she needs and never grow fat! annoying* Haha. but she's pretty and crazy as always lah! uh~Love them!>3
Ps. Thank you,R's BF for driving us home!(:
An indescribable feeling that will never be forgotten

A surprised friend requested in FB and an unexpected message received.O-M-G!
At the moment, I felt an indescribable feeling which made my tears welled up my eyes.I was out of words.I thought I have been forgotten..
Many things flashed on my mind then; the times when I was feeling low, when I need encouragements and when I felt loneliness and emptiness.You've been there supporting me,encouraging and listening to me.Ever since I confided in u, I seemed to be relying on u.I have got a lot of things to share with u! However,as time passes,I told myself that I must be independent and stay strong! One day I'd like to tell u that i can really excel in all areas like u said and share with u my dreams(im still figuring out though..) when I return to school! Now,whenever I feel like giving up on studying, I tend to recall ur encouragements and indeed helps me pull through the obstacles. (: I am really glad to have u around and i will never let u down! >3
PS. Uh! And I never forget scoring A1 for Chinese! You will get to see it next year on e day O levels result release!(;
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hectic life.
Woohoo. It has been a long time since I watched and finished a drama within a day! I am not exaggerating-Letting my mind rest and not worried for my studies for a time being is AWESOME! Even my sister said I have turned into bonkers, am I? Indeed, ever since I was preparing for N levels, I didn't touch on any dramas but books. She has been seeing me preparing for my exams, stress over my studies and not watching my favourite dramas.I was once used to be obsessed in HongKong series but not now. I think it was a waste of time including sleeping. I used to sleep for like 5 hours and then prepared myself to school. However, I realised how important sleeping or even taking a nap is since I stepped into poly.I spend an hour plus travel to and fro school each day and wake up at 6am every morning.Then stay half of the day in school,listening to lecturers and preparing presentation.Life now is hectic. Now I am trying to go to bed before 12am, if not I will be a zombie the next day in school. I also try not to stay in school for too late as I really hate to sit in bus for an hour.It's real awful.
PS. I'm hanging there,still..
PS. I'm hanging there,still..
Friday, July 30, 2010
Nodame Cantabile - The Finale
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Stupid sister belittles me
She knows that I am struggling with my studies and instead of giving me encouragements, she looks down on me. She thinks that I wont be able to do well on my exams.She forbids me to go nowhere but stay at home to study during the study breaks. That's like so crazy. Mama was there while we are talking about this and yet she remained silence-I have used to it though.Oh well. Indeed,I am facing difficulties on the subjects i am studying now.They are so tough that sometimes i thought of giving up but someone has asked me to hang on there..And so, I have been telling myself that not to disappoint those who has been there for me, do them proud. I am hanging there,still.
I kept silence and did a lil reflection after that.Then I recalled back when I had the good old times.There's always a person who has been there for me whenever i am feeling low.When I feel like giving up or even stress, i will always think of her. Her words really gave me the power to persevere and the courage to make everything possible.She wants me to be happy and not to think too much,i am working towards it.(:
I am grateful for everything she had done for me. Without her, i might have given up in my studies.
Aww.. i miss her so much. >3
I kept silence and did a lil reflection after that.Then I recalled back when I had the good old times.There's always a person who has been there for me whenever i am feeling low.When I feel like giving up or even stress, i will always think of her. Her words really gave me the power to persevere and the courage to make everything possible.She wants me to be happy and not to think too much,i am working towards it.(:
I am grateful for everything she had done for me. Without her, i might have given up in my studies.
Aww.. i miss her so much. >3
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Stress & tiredness.
It's 12.06am now and yes, I am burning mid-night oil! Circuit analysis test is on monday and yet I am still not prepared!@@ I am still struggling on most of the topics and I can't do the questions on self-practice exercise!! Arggh!!!! T_T
PS. I'm not picky. Im just more conscious on food. Pls dont force me to eat those food that I dont. I appreciate ur concerns.
PS. I'm not picky. Im just more conscious on food. Pls dont force me to eat those food that I dont. I appreciate ur concerns.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
WOW!! D bought me a box of MERSI chocos and Ricola!! She surprised me by putting them into my bag without me knowing! As I was upset over my Chinese oral, she bought these things to cheer me up!!Another friend gave me a choco too which he bought from the Japanese food fair in Tampines! And SH also bought me a box of HERSHEY chocos a month ago!! That time I was indignant over a friend of mine who betrayed me. So sweet of them! Thank you so much! Your concerns is really appreciated!!LOVE YOU GUYS! >3
Although we have known each other for 3 months plus, I can feel that you guys really treasure each time we spent together. Also,I know you have been trying real hard to understand me and finding topics to talk with me. I really appreciated everything that you have done.However, please excuse me for being inferior and quiet. I am not a chatty and cheerful person as you expected.I am indeed a calm and a person who is difficult to understand as you said.In fact I have difficulty in adapting this new environment until now. I just need more time. (:
PS. ML, I am working towards it;loving and protecting myself by not thinking too much.(: And I miss those days talking to you! Aww.. Really much appreciated for everything!
(I wonder if u would read my blog).X)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Expect the unexpected.
Screwed my chinese oral up! I panicked once I sat in front of the examiners and my mind turned totally blank! Whatever I had studied were all gone.I'm certainly not a good speaker! I have been expecting topic with regard to global warming but it wasnt! It turned out to be a technology topic!! My god~ I think Im gonna to get MERIT again!@@
PS Gonna work double hard and get A1!! I'm not going to let you down anymore!
PS Gonna work double hard and get A1!! I'm not going to let you down anymore!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Nostalgic memories
I miss my clique.
I miss those days watching movies on every weekends and hanging around at j8 with the girls after school everyday. I miss those gossips and fun we had. I miss the time we had spent together.Although we are separated from different poly and tried to meet up once a week, it's still tough to fix in sometimes. However, I am glad that we are still keeping in touch. (:
I also miss the days talking to you,be it my troubles or some random stuff. You just makes me feel safe and a lil secure.Although u did most of the talking, I will never forget what u had said. You seemed to know me well and could somehow read my mind which really surprised me. I am really grateful for everything.Frankly,without u,I might have given up in my studies.
Alright,a lil short post here and back to my studies. tata.
I miss those days watching movies on every weekends and hanging around at j8 with the girls after school everyday. I miss those gossips and fun we had. I miss the time we had spent together.Although we are separated from different poly and tried to meet up once a week, it's still tough to fix in sometimes. However, I am glad that we are still keeping in touch. (:
I also miss the days talking to you,be it my troubles or some random stuff. You just makes me feel safe and a lil secure.Although u did most of the talking, I will never forget what u had said. You seemed to know me well and could somehow read my mind which really surprised me. I am really grateful for everything.Frankly,without u,I might have given up in my studies.
Alright,a lil short post here and back to my studies. tata.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
11 days to O levels Chinese oral.
2 months to Main Exams.
3 months to O Levels.
Plus quizzes,new topics and homework in between. I am feeling anxiety now.Can I manage and excel in all of them?
2 months to Main Exams.
3 months to O Levels.
Plus quizzes,new topics and homework in between. I am feeling anxiety now.Can I manage and excel in all of them?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Mi-siu Mi-siu
I am super exhausted after school especially on Monday and Wed when lessons start at 9am. I have to wake up early in the morning at 6am and leave house at 7.20am.@@ Apparently, I need more time to adapt to my new environment,the system and also blend in with my classmates. Most of them are still strangers to me though some of them are really nice people. X) I might look cold to most of them-we are just like living in the different world but Im sorry to say that this is the way I am,perhaps to new faces and environment. As time passes,we will get to know each other better.(:
Anyway, school is going to start at 2pm tmr as writoral's tr has postponed the lessons to friday afternoon! Dammit.
Alright! I am going to bed early today!
PS.O-m-g.Today is the last day of June which means I am left with 14 days to my chinese oral!!! I am so not prepared seriously!!
Anyway, school is going to start at 2pm tmr as writoral's tr has postponed the lessons to friday afternoon! Dammit.
Alright! I am going to bed early today!
PS.O-m-g.Today is the last day of June which means I am left with 14 days to my chinese oral!!! I am so not prepared seriously!!
很巧的 在地铁遇到了你
聊起来时 ,
PS 老师,保重哦…下次会回校看看!
聊起来时 ,
PS 老师,保重哦…下次会回校看看!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
小小的伤到 但更令我哑口无言。
因为这样 不知不觉地隐藏了自己。
因为不信任 也选择不相信。
因为虚假 不尽会害怕。
小小的伤到 但更令我哑口无言。
因为这样 不知不觉地隐藏了自己。
因为不信任 也选择不相信。
因为虚假 不尽会害怕。
It's a miracle,isnt it? Ohmygod.It's not just a border line pass; I did pretty well as compared to the first test which I had failed badly.=D * a clap on my shoulder. Yuppie~
However, things are getting tougher and tougher. I couldnt catch up with the lessons after the 2 weeks of break and I am facing difficultly in understanding certain subjs now.As the main exams and quizzes are coming up and O LEVELS are round the corner,I am feeling tight and breathless. I want a break.In fact I need a break but I cant afford to slow down my pace as the days are getting nearer and nearer..Studying on weekends is driving me crazy too...
PS.I still remember ur words and it's so much appreciated.=) Without u, I might have given up.
It's a miracle,isnt it? Ohmygod.It's not just a border line pass; I did pretty well as compared to the first test which I had failed badly.=D * a clap on my shoulder. Yuppie~
However, things are getting tougher and tougher. I couldnt catch up with the lessons after the 2 weeks of break and I am facing difficultly in understanding certain subjs now.As the main exams and quizzes are coming up and O LEVELS are round the corner,I am feeling tight and breathless. I want a break.In fact I need a break but I cant afford to slow down my pace as the days are getting nearer and nearer..Studying on weekends is driving me crazy too...
PS.I still remember ur words and it's so much appreciated.=) Without u, I might have given up.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Care Less
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thank you for lending me a listening ears.
Thank you for ur concerns and supports.
Thank you for leading me throughout my life.
Thank you for ur concerns and supports.
Thank you for leading me throughout my life.
Monday, June 14, 2010
I must love myself.
It has been awhile since I last blog.Well,I am making full use of my breaks now. Although I have got assignments to complete, prepare for O levels and go back school to do my lap worksheet, i just love being accompanied by friends and family.
I enjoyed watching soccer matches with B & P for 2 hours.
I was relieved after talking to you via SMS.
I was delighted when I went shopping with mama and Q.
I love visiting my grandparents every Sunday.
I am trying real hard to bond with my poly friends.
I have had a good rest.
BUT, school's going to reopen in a few days.NOooooo.
I enjoyed watching soccer matches with B & P for 2 hours.
I was relieved after talking to you via SMS.
I was delighted when I went shopping with mama and Q.
I love visiting my grandparents every Sunday.
I am trying real hard to bond with my poly friends.
I have had a good rest.
BUT, school's going to reopen in a few days.NOooooo.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010

My beloved clique.
It has been a while since we met. Everyone is busy with their poly work and finally we managed to meet up last friday. We had super lots of fun,laughter and cam-whoring.I was delighted.I never felt that for a very long time.It's awesome.
但每一次你的欺骗、你的小动作 都很明显。
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Perseverance is the key to success
O-M-G.. It has been a month in poly and im still not used to it;be it the route of my brand new life or my new friends.I still cant believe that I AM IN AN ENGINEERING COURSE either.. It's indeed tough as what one of my teachers had told me.I have been facing numbers and gates,struggling during lessons time and trying to stay extremely focus for every lectures.
Franky,I never look forward to school. I have been dragging myself to school every single days;waking up at 6.30am almost every morning and leave my house one and a half hour before lessons begins.Also, one hour of bus ride to and fro school is killing me-reading novels is the best and only thing to kill time.
That's what makes me super tired everyday.I know I shouldnt be complaining as nothing can be done by now..I am holding there tight..But I just cant stop myself for being mood-less..
Time heals everything.
Franky,I never look forward to school. I have been dragging myself to school every single days;waking up at 6.30am almost every morning and leave my house one and a half hour before lessons begins.Also, one hour of bus ride to and fro school is killing me-reading novels is the best and only thing to kill time.
That's what makes me super tired everyday.I know I shouldnt be complaining as nothing can be done by now..I am holding there tight..But I just cant stop myself for being mood-less..
Time heals everything.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Im mentally and physically exhausted!! I have to wake up extremely early in the morning and take an hour bus to school. I should have appealed to the nearest poly in the first place. !@#$% I think im suffering from insomnia these few days again.. I cant sleep at nights.Most probably it's because Im feeling the pressure;I have got piles of work not done and i still have to prepare for o levels..Gosh.. Pimples are popping out and dark circles are evolving..=S How? I WANT TO SLEEP~
Oh well,although this is the second week of school, im still not use to the route of my new life. I have been eating chocolates before heading to school.Anyway, I realised that I must be very self-discipline in doing self-revision or even do practices of the work..Like for mathematics, we have to practice the questions ourselves in order to be prefect.No teachers is going to mark for us..Moreover,We have only two hours for tutorial in a week which is totally not enough.This is stressful.
Worse still for physics,I just cant get my hands on the experiences; connecting wires and analyze the circuit are driving me crazy seriously..Im certainly not a physics person;it's my weakest subject.. Im wondering why i m posted to this course mann..
`Im presenting the introduction of my research journal tmr. Good luck to me! ^_^
PS.you're right. I have to put in more effort than others but it's really tiring..
Oh well,although this is the second week of school, im still not use to the route of my new life. I have been eating chocolates before heading to school.Anyway, I realised that I must be very self-discipline in doing self-revision or even do practices of the work..Like for mathematics, we have to practice the questions ourselves in order to be prefect.No teachers is going to mark for us..Moreover,We have only two hours for tutorial in a week which is totally not enough.This is stressful.
Worse still for physics,I just cant get my hands on the experiences; connecting wires and analyze the circuit are driving me crazy seriously..Im certainly not a physics person;it's my weakest subject.. Im wondering why i m posted to this course mann..
`Im presenting the introduction of my research journal tmr. Good luck to me! ^_^
PS.you're right. I have to put in more effort than others but it's really tiring..
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
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