Friday, May 21, 2010

Perseverance is the key to success

O-M-G.. It has been a month in poly and im still not used to it;be it the route of my brand new life or my new friends.I still cant believe that I AM IN AN ENGINEERING COURSE either.. It's indeed tough as what one of my teachers had told me.I have been facing numbers and gates,struggling during lessons time and trying to stay extremely focus for every lectures.

Franky,I never look forward to school. I have been dragging myself to school every single days;waking up at 6.30am almost every morning and leave my house one and a half hour before lessons begins.Also, one hour of bus ride to and fro school is killing me-reading novels is the best and only thing to kill time.

That's what makes me super tired everyday.I know I shouldnt be complaining as nothing can be done by now..I am holding there tight..But I just cant stop myself for being mood-less..

Time heals everything.


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