Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm getting FATTER! aargh~ I MUST CONTROL MYSELF.I have been eating a lot of food after my trip to Malaysia.I felt that I shouldn't count of how many calories or how much food I consumed per day out of the sudden. My family,friends & relatives convinced me to stop on diet as I don't look nice if I go more slimmer. Their words indeed made me feel that I should really stop.. There were so  many delicious food out town now which  I had forgo ever since I started on diet. However,I still won't taste even a small bite of it though they're really attractive.
My Mom & sister keep stopping me from getting any slimmer by asking me to eat more rice because they said I looked like someone from Africa as the bones on my neck can be seen clearly.>"<
BUT nowadays,I've eaten some fried food and food which contains sugar.I have never been touching these food for nearly a year and I am getting lazy to go for exercise. There must be many fats in my body now. I also had my dinner after 8pm for certain days and I started consuming food which were made from merely flour & coconut : like bread,paos& kuehs.


*I must begin to diet again.

I have never been meeting my beloved cliques for couple of weeks. Roselyn, Zhong Yu& Justin are working and Beryl was away to Indonesia.I missed you guys..Meet up soon okay??

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