Wednesday, November 11, 2009


'O' LEVELS IS OVER !!WOOHOO!!! \{^[]^}/

It has finally ended.I had done my best for every papers so hope that I would get the results I wish for. X)
Looking back, there were so many things that had happened during these critical periods which apparently affected my mood & my studies. I had once thought of giving up as the feeling was just not right. I felt rather empty & insecure.I couldnt concentrate in my studies either but thank goodness that I had approached you.(:

JW & K
thank you for ur encouragement!=D
A very big thank you to you! Your words & concerns are really appreciated.^_^ Without you, I might not be able to overcome these obstacles.Thank you for being there during my toughest time and the help in my study timetable. I will do u proud & not let u down..(:
压力的时候 难过的时候 甚至现在没有方向的时候 谢谢你!

Alright,what m i going to do over this long holiday?? I need to plan.

PS 你的话真的让我有渐进的动力捏~真神奇..哈
还好没有放弃 还好有你

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